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Lineage ][ Interlude Server Hell | 3d mmorpg Server PvP, Rates 70x 90x 100x
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Valley of titans | 3d mmorpg ru
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Eternal Lands | 3d mmorpg Free 3D fantasy MMORPG, currently has 12 skills & no fixed classes-you can always do new things without having to create a new character!
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Legend Of Mir3 - Imperium Server | 3d mmorpg Legend Of Mir 3 - Imperium Server. Spanish / English , EXP RATE x8, Nuevos sistemas de bosses, scrolls de infecciones, guardianes de bosses, mas de 30 bosses, muchos eventos .... todo lo nuevo que nunca vistes!
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Stelanthir online RPG | 3d mmorpg A new free 3D MMORPG (Development)
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MIMESIS ONLINE | 3d mmorpg An online mmorpg
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XUnleashed - Pluged into Gaming! | 3d mmorpg Takes the brunt work out of gaming, macros, scripts, bots!!
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FFXI Gexem | 3d mmorpg THe Ultimate FFXI MMORPG Experience
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Realm Fighter | 3d mmorpg Realm Fighter is a 3D MMORPG set in a fantasy enviroment, with monsters to kill, quests to complete, and treasure to win. You control your character who will become more powerful the more you play. You have an ultimate mission to become ruler of the ream!
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StarzingerRO Free RO Server! | 3d mmorpg Join the fun in the world of Ragnarok Online, SRO is a free RO server with 30/30/10 rates, all the latest updates including new cards, headgears, taekwon and custom NPCs. We have a good community and fair GMs. Join today!
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11 |
Meganet Lineage2 C4 Server | 3d mmorpg First Lineage2 C4 server in mariupol, ukraine. Good connection. Many interesting events, tournaments. Welcome to wonderful world of Lineage2! Rates
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Lineage2 Wide C5 | 3d mmorpg Join the fastest growing Lineage2 Server! Live chat suitable for all ages, Come cast spells and wield powerful weapons against monsters and each other. Join a clan or play alone. Wide Server-Rates X5 / Chaos Server-Rates X100 / Combat Server-Rates X1000
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Lineage ][ The Anima Chronicle | 3d mmorpg A Free Lineage 2 Server based on the Chronicle 3-4. No bugs ! Two server (Anima 4/4/4/4) and Anima PvP (1000/1000/1000/1000)
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Shiradell | 3d mmorpg Shiradell is a Free to play 3D mmorpg wtih great uniqe feature's. Our you tired of sitting in the same spot leveling day after day. With Shiradell You will be immersed into a giant Fully 3D world. Fight to gain levels, Do Quests to gain fame.
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F.E.A.R PvP ServeR | 3d mmorpg Lineage2 server high rate 20002000300012510 , best admins, 247 online:) come and join us fear pvp server is the place for lineage2 good and strong mashine server in israel...NO LAGS NO LAGS more of 1000 players online...!!!!!
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Lineage 2 C4 Server Free | 3d mmorpg Lineage 2 C4 (HighRate) Rate: x5000x5000x6000x30x10000 GM Shop PvP
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Knights Of Dawn Online (KODO) | 3d mmorpg 3D Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game where you can choose 1 of 3 classes, Warrior, Mage and Rogue to fight the forces of darkness. Hosted by http://uwhosting.biz
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Macroh Masheen | 3d mmorpg Macroh Masheen is a programmers game bot/macroer/hack tool that is a cut above anything else out there. It is designed to work with any game.
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AW Planet | 3d mmorpg Absolutely free - Low traffic and system requirements - Full 3D graphics - Mysterious world - Group playing - Advanced combat - Friendly community - Join us now!
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Blood Clans | 3d mmorpg A fast paced 3D RPG that pays the winners in Cold Hard Cash! Blood Clans has an ancient world theme with 6 different Kingdoms you can join and many, many roles! The game is in development but nearly complete. Come and help us test and win real money!
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Final Fantasy XI - brasil forum | 3d mmorpg Forum brasilero de FFXI
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Escalation Online | 3d mmorpg A Free to play modern day Action Online RPG set in a multiperson view where the player can own housing, purchase vehicles, develop job types and become a somebody from a nobody!
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elixirRO.net | 3d mmorpg 1k/1k/50 Friendly free non-pk server. WoE, pets, custom items, NPCs, monsters, dungeons, events.
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SWG pre-CU just like the good ol | 3d mmorpg SWG pre-CU just like the good ol days!
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La Tierra de Eria | 3d mmorpg Servidor rolero 100% con nueva perspectiva de juego: Odio entre razas, nuevas armas, skills. Basado en C4. 24/7 Online!
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NoMaDsMu | 3d mmorpg mu online
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The Saga of Gaia | 3d mmorpg 3D , 2D & Browser MMORPG
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Gangsta Mu | 3d mmorpg MuOnline Private Server
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HopZone Lineage2 Private Servers | 3d mmorpg Here you can see if the server is online or offline and also you can see the % of uptime in one week for a particular server. 400+ Servers for you to choose from and play for free
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Lineage II Eternal | GERMAN C4 l | 3d mmorpg 2 L2 C4 Server [high 150-150-450|low 4-4-5-6-7]Working C4-Areas, Monsters & Skills, working Subclasses & 3rd Classchange, Tatoos & Symbols, Fishing, working C4 Pets - Beast Spirit-Soulshouts, S Grade Weapons, Armor & Recipies, Clanhalls, D
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L2 Memories | 3d mmorpg Rate 8x exp 8x sp 10x adena 20x drop,C4GmShop,C4skill,C4Mob,Olympid,C4SevenSigns,Event Dragons Invasion Cittes!Hero & Nobbleses system & Fishing
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L2Junkie C4 4000x | 3d mmorpg Auto PvP Hero Events ,AllPetsNstore, Fishing, Working SubClass, AUTO SKILLS, AutoBuffs, 3 Hour Buffs, 100% Enchant Success, 100% Uptime, 3 Servers<CraftingLowRate><NoCraftingLowRate><PVP Server 4000xExp> JOIN NOW FREE
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l2forever | 3d mmorpg lineage 2 c4 rates xp 15x sp 20x adena 35x drop 15x spoil 15x
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..:: L2-Immortal ::.. | 3d mmorpg 2 Server - 100x 150x 500x / 4x 16x 120x - 24/7 - GM Shop -costum Spawns - hard Raids - Gods - PvP-Area -Events - many more - nice Community
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L2Nightmare a Chronicles4 Server | 3d mmorpg L2Nightmare is a new Lineage 2 Server with a Growing Community and many features , join now and be part of a growing Community! We got 2 Worlds 1 High Rate with 1000x rates and one "low" rate with: Exp: 13x , SP: 15x , Adena 14x , Drop: 9x;
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Lemuria Software | 3d mmorpg The future online gaming engine.
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Lineage2 ReyesDeAden | 3d mmorpg Servidor Español Lineage 2 C4, Asedios, Clanes, Eventos semanales, nobleza, olipiadas, peska, Heroes, etc. Servidor alojado en Data Center 100Mbits.
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Best C5 Lineage server | 3d mmorpg exp 50 sp 50 adena 300 Full C5 server with uniques weapons, all 3trd class c4 skills are working perfect!!! completed c4 areas /fishing included 99% c4 skills new colorful armor
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Ma3x Lineage II - C4 | 3d mmorpg 2 Servers -> Bartz: 2x rates and Sieghardt: 100x rates (Test Server) - Hero Olympiad - Subclasses - Third Classes - Sieges - C4 Spawns - Nice community - Friendly and helpfull GM's
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L2Seiya | 3d mmorpg server c4 full
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Renaissance | 3d mmorpg Serveur Lineage 2 Roleplay C4.Les joueurs influent directement sur l’histoire du serveur.Système de Royaumes.5 races supplémentaires dites “rp”.Staff présent pour vous aidez et .Rates 3/4/5/5. N’attendez plus, vivez l’aventure Renaissance
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L2BloodLines | 3d mmorpg Chronicle 4, L2off, 35/35/100/1/1, Dedicated Staff, Play and Win, lots of content added, GM shop, Global teleport, come try us out ...
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L2PVP.NET - Lineage 2 C4 PvP | 3d mmorpg New Lineage2 C4 PvP server. Fast server.
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:: HopeZone :: | 3d mmorpg Adena; 650x Exp; 65x Sp; 85x Drop; 40x (Nice Germany Free Server)
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Final Fantasy 10 - Free | 3d mmorpg Play Final Fantasy 10 MMORPG - for free!
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L2 Revenge | 3d mmorpg Long Term Low Rate Server, Full C4, Olympaid and more, 24/7 uptime hosted in uk, come play and have fun.
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Best Pvp Server In greece info-g | 3d mmorpg Welcome to PVP server L2JSystem v0.90 Lineage II The Chaotic Chronicle
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L2 Navegos | 3d mmorpg Come and try our 15x exp, 20x SP and 200x adena.. We have GmShop, Puss The Cat, NPC Buffer and Global Gk in everyTown Come and Try!!!
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Outburst: Bleach 3D MMORPG | 3d mmorpg Outburst is an in-depth collaboration of a bleach inspired 3d mmorpg created by fans, for fans.
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MidwayMuOnline Server | 3d mmorpg Version: 1.0L Exp:2000x Drop:100x Bb off Bless in shop items+11 in shop Best spots Nice GMS|| || By Midwat Team & Explossive Team
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